Friday, June 6, 2008

random creation

just some random graphic i created to past my time..
messy i know.. but that's my style of graphics

Friday, May 23, 2008

American idol is cacat...

the only american idol contestant i was really REALLY rooting for.....

ok though how much i loove david hernandez.. this is just hilarious.. im sorry its worth a watch...

other contestants i admired...

gay but sooo funny AND sexy!! great personality

and of course...
HE should DEFINITELY have got at LEAST top 3!!!
soooooooooo much better than that freaaaaking david cook...
no offence but i think david cook sounds like any other rock singer out there...
while michael johns is way more unique and they both have the looks..
oh whatever.. as su lin said on her blog when michael johns was eliminated..

oh and btw.. i found a michael johns look alike

lol! matthew settle from gossip girl...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

school concert and update..

ok im a lil late posting this... it was a week ago to be exact..
damn that night was fun!!
eventhough the performances werent all that good...
met nathan again since msspp =)
so after the concert we went for supper at khaleel...
came back around after 12 i think.. im surprised my parents let me go..
so what did we do in supper.. err... talked... and i arm wrestled with nathan..
but no one won cause he wasnt pushing...

anyway.... one more week to my bday!! =D oh and one more week to exam too.. oh joy.. =(

been spending my weekend doing nie... and studying.. hey our nie poster turned out preeety good for a two day work thing... oh btw, this month my phone bill went up to RM88 and my parents freaked.. usually its under RM30..oh well

i dint go for tennis today.. coz of studies.. i dont really like monday lesson anymore anyway.. hate the two people that always turn up on monday.. i wonder who.. dont know how to play a fair match eventhough its just a fun match not even competition..

all MSSPP competitions are over.. and they all went pretty well and alot of fun..
this is a pic from Roy's cam at the stadium during MSSPP running

isnt the kid cute.... not really sure who he is.. just Roy's friend.. haha

Sunday, April 27, 2008

**** in a box

lol.. this is in relation to justin timberlake's snl song 'dick in a box'.. quite old since last year but decided to post it since seeing this comic.. 

this is JT's dick in a box vid..

Friday, April 25, 2008

finally.. an update...

havent posted a real post in a while...
exams coming up... folios to do
and u know what? im not studying now..
i should be.. i've really been slacking... but i dont have the mood to study >.< i've been watching youtube instead...

Friday, April 18, 2008

music tag

5 easy steps:
1) Put your music player on shuffle.
2) Press forward for each question.
3) Use the song title as the answer to the question.
4) With the answers, comment on how it relates to the question.
5) Tag your mates.

How am I feeling today?
without you (there'd be no me)- aaron carter
hmmm.... i wonder who that will be.....

Will I get far in life?
POp- Nsync
oh yeah! "It doesn't matter.. bout the clothes i wear.. where i go and why......"-pop-nsync

How do my friends see me?
Tell her- jesse mccartney
yeah, tell me...

Will I get married?
sexy ladies- justin timberlake
again.. doesnt answer my question..

What is my best friend's theme song?
god must have spent a little more time on you- nsync
thats a good thing....

What's the theme song of my life?
the day that i die- good charlotte
is that the day i should look forward to? "you know the happiest day of my life, i swear the happiest day of my life, is the day that i die"-the day that i die -good charlotte

What was high school like?
give it to me (pugh radio remix)- nelly furtado ft JT&timbaland
i guess thats a good thing too...?

What is in store for this weekend?
my world- avril lavigne
so true....! im always just stuck in my own lil world.. which what i enjoy the most...

How is my life going?
lovestoned (kaskade remix)- justin timberlake
lol... maybe..

How can you get ahead of life?
Bye Bye Bye- Nsync
good way to get ahead of life... "bye bye bye"

What's the best thing about your friends?
Bringin the noise - Nsync
it does answer the question.. lol... guess it is the best thing...

What song will they play at my funeral?
wondering- good charlotte
lol... too happy for a funeral...

How does the world see me?
I think she knows (tiesto remix radio edit)- justin timberlake
well actually i dont...

Do people secretly lust after me?
the kid in you - aaron carter
that's it?

How can I make myself happy?
good life- jesse mccartney
oh yeah!!

What should I do with my life?
until the end of time- justin timberlake & Beyonce
i guess i'll stick with it...

Will I ever have children?
To all the girls- aaron carter
i guess i'll have more girls...

What song would you strip to?
kissless christmas- chris trousdale
i really dont think i'll strip to that... to innocent to strip to...

What does your mom think of you?
because you live- jesse mccartney
good answer...

What is your deep, dark secret?
its gonna be me- nsync
another good answer.. im not gonna tell...

What is your mortal enemy's theme song?
right where u want me - jesse mccartney
"baby dont be gentle, i can handle anything.." ooh im so scared...*sarcasm*

What is your personality like?
sexyback (cutmore sexy house vocal)- justin timberlake
do you think so?

What song will be played at your wedding?
when you wish upon a star- jesse mccartney
more relevant than the one played at my funeral...

Your overall theme song?
i'll try- jesse mccartney
i guess i get another song as my theme song -___-

this tag is fun =D my shuffler somehow dint really seem to shuffle much as u can see... shuffled around the same artists...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tag tag

1. What are you craving now?

2. What was the last movie you've watched?
August Rush.

3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
avienne, sam and err.. myself?

4. What are you most happy with now?
im fine with everything

5. If you can have 1 dream come true, what would it be?
to have my 1500 meters time improved by 1 minute

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after it rains?

7. What are you afraid to lose the most now?
my self esteem

8. Why are you wasting your time doing this?
to have something interesting on my blog

9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
not immediately

10. List out 3 good things about yourself
athletic, laid back, couldnt care less about what people think of me

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
sincere, loyal, determined, athletic preferably

12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
depends. i hate lobsters when it comes to tennis

13. What is your ambition?
no idea...

14. If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point it out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
hmm.... point it out but in the right way

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

16. Find a word to describe the person who tagged you.
sam - cute
sue - friendly
ame - approachable 

17. What will you do when someone faints in front of you?
call for help

18. What makes you different?
im myself, that makes me different

19. Who would you proceed when you have problems?

20. What would you want to accomplish by the age of 50?
to have a proper job with a proper bank account

i tagged:
-vi cher
-hui mei

mind my nsync addiction

as the title says... this vid is sooo funny... the song is 'just got paid' live from billboard awards many yrs ago

"when i look into your eyes i know that its true... god must have spent a little more time on you"

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

another boring post

ignore the lack of design/colour/pictures in my last few posts.. im lazy now since i dont spend so much of my time on my blog nowadays.. msspp tennis just ended today.. we went to usm after the first 3 periods of school just to collect our medal, a bronze for team event.. so yeah, went in our school uniform.. many people were in school uniform as well... msspp was so fun while it lasted.. throughout these 3 weeks, i've only been to school for 3 days.. msspp running first, then tennis. but i have to say msspp tennis is sooo much more fun.. i enjoy the running events alot.. prolly even more than tennis.. but in tennis i know more people, and the people are nicer.. so thats about it.. alot of homework to catch up and im trying to get studying.. but these days not much mood to study and exams just like in a month, with alot of stuff to study.. uh oh,.,bleh i hate to study..

Friday, April 4, 2008


i dont know what to put for titles so i dont put em... ok i dint post yesterday so im posting now for two days...

yesterday was sucky... just really really sucky... actually i knew my name wasn't in 4x400 but my friends told me i can run.. i knew i shouldn't have went for sports day.. just ruined my day.. lets see.. i told teacher not to put my name in coz i might be playing tennis that day.. but what the heck.. how am i suppose to play quater finals when in singles i meet joselyn in 2nd round and in doubles i meet sze jin and su ann in first round.. who turned out to be the champions.. damn the draw wasnt in for me at all.. just wished we could've knocked sze jin and su ann out.. what a fantasy.. we were soo damn close at 7-6 deuce then 8-6... i was like screaming in my head when they won that laast freakinn point.. well at least the draw was in for marina and sam who made semi finals. congrats to them! and it was sam's bday that day so happy belated bday sam c!!

So anyway, about sports day, sylvia sprained her leg during cheer leading and she was suppose to run 4x400, our reserve didnt turn up, so yeah disqualified.. but i took sylvia's place when i wasnt suppose to, knowing we're disqualified, but either ways we're disqualified so what the heck, just do it for the pride.. but again, what the heck.. i was the 4th runner and my 1st three runners weren't so good.. im sorry, but by the time it was my turn, that brooks runner was like 150 meters away from me.. hey im not superwoman.. i cant catch up that much, so we got 2nd (DQ) i threw down the baton when i reached the finish line in fury.. oh and yeah, a teacher saw it and scolded me saying if u throw the baton like that u're automaticly disqualified. but WHAT THE HECK YOU THINK I CARE??!! we're ALREADY DQ!!! and theres no rule saying that anyway, i dint break the baton and the baton cost like what? RM1? i can get u another one, no big deal.. besides that, martin cheerleading dint do too well either.. actually i thought they ruled everyone else like they always do for the last 2 years.. and they practiced sooooo much, like every single day they practiced.. they put alot of damn effort into it and they got 3rd.. out of 4... i dunno whats wrong with the judges... they totally ruled the rest and it was so obvious!! im not in cheerleading but i still thought they should've won.. oh well...

as for today... there was no school coz of sports day yesterday... so dint do much, just go online, play tennis.. and so on... tomorrow theres qualifying round for sportexcel... and again what luck... im meeting the 1st seed in the 2nd round... aarrrggg!! did they do this to me on purpose??!! but why would they.. its not like im that good and they're victimising me.. or are they?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

msspp tennis

today was the 2nd day... ok its quite alot to tell... msspp tennis is definitely more interesting than running... but running is my 1st sport. ok.. 1st day i played singles with a cgl girl.. won 8-0.. and today 2nd round... met 2nd seed, joselyn.. damn shes good.. somehow i just played like shit in that match and got trashed 8-0... well, for the others in MGS, only marina was lucky enough not to meet any seeded players and made it to quarter finals. sam C met sze jin in 2nd round, czen yhi met sarah see, 7th seed in 1st round.. so no luck there... and.. since he wanted me to say this, unfortunately, chien ming and jhensen got trashed 1st round singles and im sorry.. its alot tougher for guys...

as for doubles for me and czen yhi, we met sze jin and su ann 1st round... hooow greeat!!*sarcasm* lost 8-6.. sooo close.. at 1st they were leading 5-2, then we cought up 7-4 then to 7-6!!! ahh the last game was a deuce!! oh well.. what do u expect when playing with sze jin.. shes good.. ahh.. sam C and marina won their match.. oh well.. they dint meet seeded players..
ok so anyway.. because of all that.. i have to go sports day tomorrow.. damnnnn i hate going to the whole sports day just to run 1 event, 4x400 meters. well, what to do, martin house needs points! at least we get a holiday on friday..

best of luck to marina and sam tomorrow!.. its sam's bday tomorrow so hope they win!

Monday, March 31, 2008

America's best dance crew finale

and the winning crew is....
ok, its well predicted, and they far deserved to win

Friday, March 28, 2008

MSSPP running

im in my grandma's house right now... just came back from the stadium batu kawan.... this week had MSSPP for running state level as u can see on the title. this morning i had 1500m. i got 8th.. zon i got 1st.. lol... but during zon my time was 6.46 and this time my time was 6.24, 22 secs faster.. quite alot... then later in the evening i had 4x400 meters.. actually just ended up reserve... damn.. i ran in the semi-finals, but teacher decided to put the other girl in for finals. bleh. but hey... we got 2nd placing.. and all of us got medals.. thanks loads to my 4x400 team from SGGS and union!! though i dont think they'll be reading this. i love this new msspp format.. go zon air itam! my school 4x400 team would have never stood a chance of winning.. speaking honestly.. im sorry..

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Kaba modern and jabba wockeez showdown!!

damn Jabba ROCKED this episode!!!
anyway this is JabbaWockeez...

Kaba was good too but its just nothing compared to jabba
and this is kaba modern...

ironically finals is just status quo and JabbaWockeez.. which is sad coz i was hoping for a Kabba modern and JabbaWockeez finale. i think status quo is too much hip hop/breakdance kaba and jabba are mixtures of everything.
anyway, this is status quo on america's best dance crew episode 7

you know the best thing about this episode all the crews had a clip of 'bye bye bye', which is *nsync's trademark song.. funny seeing JC's reaction everytime a crew dances to that song.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I hate titles.....

yesterday i just had my first centralized zon air itam training in PKSW. not very strenuous, pretty fun since i like to run, it makes me feel good for some reason.. yeah im weird...

so and then, i came home, i was jumping around at home with my socks on, then something pierced through my feet, then i realised it was a thorn which went all the way INSIDE my feet... how freeeaking great! it hurt like hell and i thought what the hell i had tennis that night and the next morning not to mention running today as well... so where did the thorn come from IN my house? i realised it was my socks, my socks had a few thorns in em and one pierced through.. so after that i had to go to the doctor to get it out... but its a good thing after that it stopped hurting and now its ok.

today in the morning i played tennis with czen yhi, marina, and mae yune, we had fun... mae gave me her nsync poster from her celebrity CD thank you mae yune!! i almost bought that celebrity album again just for the poster. lol. was doing some graphics on photoshop today.. for my BM presentation and prolly use it for other things.. u kno what i think today's creation was better than the divider i did for ed board. bleh, maybe i'll submit again.. btw, please note that the header above is entirely my creation, so no stealing.

had running training again today in st georges... met the runners there.. tomorrow probably training in bukit dumba to get a probably harder training session to improve my time. the record time's 5.31 and im 6.46 (i was sick that day) only one mor min to go... lol pretty big difference..

Lol! JC's space cowboy twerk in SLOW MO damn funny and sexy!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

America's best dance crew (yet again)

man i loooove this show!!!! damn they should air it here FAST!!

these are just the routines by all the crews on episode 6 without judges comments.
the theme broadway this week... enjoy.. i know i did.

i think jabba wockeez in this episode rules the rest! followed by breaksk8... kaba modern sucked today for some reason... ironically breaksk8 got eliminated today.. damn

anyway... school started yesterday.. back to all the boring stuff.. cant blog as much anymore, today has been a daze really.. came back from school after ed board.. u know, i really like ed board,i'm in the art and graphics section just so u know... i just dont exactly like the teacher *toot*, can be very unreasonably stupid at times.. and how exactly everyone do something with the computer during ed board meeting when there is only one computer with one mouse and one keyboard? i wonder...

tomorrow got centralised zon air itam running training at PKSW.. no need to go for Martin practice, yay!!! I wonder how it'll be, my school doesnt really have proper athletics training, i mainly train on my own either running around the PSC field or the threadmill.. so im looking forward to it.. state MSSPP is next week already.. taking part in 1500m and 4x400m.. and the week after that, i have tennis MSSPP.. how great..

Saturday, March 15, 2008

just another day....

so i didnt post yesterday and im posting today... today has been just another ordinary day... the best part was of course tennis...
u know what.. only one more day of holiday left... and i havent finished my essay or done my geografi homework yet but i have no mood to do it.. =(.. this holiday was kinda fun while it lasted for a short time actually.. just watch youtube, laze around, dance to good songs, eat, sleep, run and play tennis.. hehe.. and also had sleepover at avienne's...

Thursday, March 13, 2008


pics from monday and tuesday...

me and avienne outside coffee bean

and this pic is from friday at school...

sam, avienne, min wei, chery, and me in the school canteen

hey! today has been the old usual day, just go online, watch youtube... blog... had tuition today, and hopefully hopefully HOPEFULLY it wont rain tonight... i REALLY really wanna play tennis tonight.. though i think im gonna suck coz i havent played in more than a week...

i watched step up 2 today.. my dvd wasnt very clear but it was watchable... and yeah it was pretty good to me.. the dancing was great! this movie to me is similar to 'you got served' and i think i prefer you got served.. well thats just what i think...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jesse mccartney

AAAAHHHHHH!!! JMac finally has a new single!!!... that actually sounds good..
i wasnt so crazy about 'right where you want me'.. ok i liked that album for a while but got sick of it pretty fast.. but i did have a strong crazy over jesse mccartney phase

ok anyway.. heres Leavin' by Jesse McCartney!!!

as carmen said.. our innocent lil JMac isnt so innocent anymore.. but well.. all male artists to some point isnt innocent anymore.. they gotta grow up and have some fun you cant blame them.. boys will be boys... lol.. thanks carmen for the vid =)

ok i really really really dig this song for some reason.. it does sound like something that chris brown would sing though..

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Dance Fever

Jabba Wockeez on america's best dance crew!! episode 5.. enjoy..

wade robson season finale highlights!

the new michael jackson of the 21st century! the one and only WADE ROBSON!!

and.... this a great vid from step up 2.. the song's bounce by Timbaland Feat. Justin Timberlake, Missy Elliot and Dr. Dre.. thanks dixon for introducing it to me =)

u know what? i havent even watched step up 2 yet... i just bought the dvd so im meaning to watch it today..

oh shit, its raining, and i have tennis tonight... ahhh... every time wanna play tennis nowadays always raining.. i havent played for like more than a week already...!!

justin timberlake and wade robson

omg *screams*
this is so darn sexy!

two of the best HOT dancers ever!


heyy!! today i just came back from a sleepover over at avienne's with me and sam t. it was fun... we went to gurney (again) yesterday and then went to avienne's house.. we took alot and alot of pics which is all in sam's cam right now so i dont have it...and today we woke up, and went to gurney (yet again) ..ok getting kinda sick of gurney now...then sam and avienne came to my house at lunch. oh btw, we watched 'jumper'.. i have to say, this movie was okay only.. nothing really special.. but... hayden christensen was hot!

yo sam t! keep on goin GAH GAH GAH again!

currently searching drastically for justin timberlake's 'justified album' and i cant frikkin find it! i tried tower records and artist gallery in gurney and 1 stop including a couple of other places and they still dont have it... i wonder why! its not even that old... and it was quite sickening! i only have the new one at the moment.. future sex/love sounds deluxe edition, which is pretty good! so frikkin addicted to it at the moment..

Sunday, March 9, 2008


elections, elections, elections... ok its a biig thing.. and opposition won in state level... my mum is happy, my dad is not... darn, my dad is sooooo frikkinnn irritating....!!! i he's like being sour grapes and all about the results... and like we went out to dinner, then we had to drop by to his friend's house for him to complain and complain, and explain the bad consenquences of the opposition party to his friend... i would say more but i dont wanna mention anything i shouldn't, coz its a sensitive issue.. even in the car and like the whole night my dad's just talking about this... thing.. and actually i really dunno dont care about these stuff.. but oh welll...

anyway, these are the pics taken in school on friday.. from sam's camera

Saturday, March 8, 2008

S club 8

S Club 8.... always compared to S club 7 (obviously) ... if only they had their own original name.. they'd be pretty good.. too bad they're both no more... all the good music went 'bye bye bye' with nsync

this is one step closer by s club 8

JC with gossip girl's Chace Crawford

they're both undeniably hot but Chace is a bit too hot so i prefer JC =)

ok, this might be a lil boring to you guys, but nothing special happened today, didn't really do much... just erm.. slept for like 2 hours

Friday, March 7, 2008

'Last' day of school

last day of school... before our one week hols. so we ended up taking pics and fooling around in school. it was fun today... somehow everyday in school, i get a lil hyper in the morning coz i drink coffee, then after recess i get really tired and sleepy for some reason... then after school im not tired anymore.. lol

anyway, after school we went to gurney, me, sam and avienne ended up going seperate ways.. goin shopping... it was sooo fun, we took a few pics in the fitting room...

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Zon level running MSSPP

ok, this happened on 20th and 21st Feb 08. alright the day before this, i was actually sick, coughing, flu, and lethargic. and i was this close to not going to run my 1500 m event the next day. but luckily i did. coz i won a gold medal... omg my very first time actually winning something in this event. and to think because of my cough, i was held back last in running in the 2nd round around the track, but caught up first in running on the 3rd round when everyone was tired and maintained it to the finish line.. man i thought it was the friikin HAPPIEST day of my life!! and the next day i ran 4x400 m and got silver.. which is ok..

the next monday, when they were giving out medals during perhimpunan, pn wong (headmistress) made a comment in her speech that 'Sarah Foong was training while everyone else was sleeping' which was pretty embarassing...

America's best dance crew

whoever that likes dance should watch this. America's best dance crew by Randy Jackson. Lil mama and JC CHasez as judges

Kaba modern on america's best dance crew

Now has anyone heard of JC Chasez?

ok, since the end of nsync, his music hasnt been as good as justin's... but... i still love him, JC will always be my fav nsync member......

isnt he just so frikkin hott!!
JC chasez and justin timberlake

Currently addicted to.....NSYNC!!!!

check out Justin Timberlake when he was an even better performer than he is now..

Pop live from road to celebrity

first post

ok, i just switched from xanga to blogspot... coz that xanga was giving me probs so i hope this is better.... sheesh i hate switching blogs, emails, etc..

old xanga-